28 July 2011


I was one of the many who watched Captain America on its first day of showing yesterday.  And after the two-hour solid movie, I decided to stay for the stinger. I knew there's gonna be a short clip at the end.  As I waited and watched the credits, something hit me.

I have observed that many moviegoers right away stand from their seats and leave the theater after the last scene. Which means that majority ignore the names that roll up the screen. I am guilty of this, too. Well, not until I realized that all those unfamiliar people deserve some respect.

I don't know them (except for the lead) but I thought, behind this movie are hundreds of other persons who worked their butts off to make the film a success.  They might have missed an important celebration, slept less than eight hours, wounded themselves during the filming, skipped a meal - all for their passion of making movies. Yet, many do not realize that. 

It also reminded me that once I have done a few short films as requirements back in college. Sure, they are not comparable to those blockbusters that appear on silver screen.  But I know the experience of revising a script hundred times, carrying equipment and wardrobe from one place to another, shooting a scene repetitively under the heat of the sun, spending sleepless nights editing videos. And as part of the production team, all I wanted was for people to appreciate the film and acknowledge my efforts.

So from now on, I'll make sure to finish the closing credits down to the last person. Those names are reminders that the film we just enjoyed was a collaboration of ideas, time and energy from many individuals whose goal was to give us the best entertainment. They deserve some credit.

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